
"thursday, i slept with my girlfriend. she likes to wear a blindfold during sex. she always carries around a piece of cloth in her airline overnight bag just for that purpose.
not my thing, really, but she looks so cute blinfolded like that, i can't very well object. we're all human, after all, and everybody´s got something a little off somewhere"

     The fall of the roma empire, the 1881 indian uprising, Hitler's invasion of Poland, the realm of  raging winds, from The elephant vanishes, Haruki Murakami

"she was pretty drunk at this time, and so was i. at eleven, i accompanied her to her apartment, where we had sex as a matter of course, the way they give you a cushion and a cup of tea at an inn.
"put the light out", she said, so i did. from her window you could see a big nikon ad tower. a tv next door was blasting the day's pro-baseball results. what with the darkness and my drunknness, i hardly knew what i was doing. you  couldn't call it sex. i just moved my penis and discharged some semen.
as soon as the moderately abbreviated act was finished, she went to sleep as if she couldn't wait any longer to be unconscious. without even bothering to wipe up properly, i got dressed and left. the hardest thing was picking out my polo shrt and underpants from among her stuff in the dark."

Family affair, from The elephant vanishes, Haruki Murakami

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