

"I TOUCH your mouth, I touch the edge of your mouth with my finger, I am drawing it as if it were something my hand was sketching, as if for the first time your mouth opened a little, and all I have to do is close my eyes and erase it and start all over again, everytime I can make the mouth I want appear, the mouth which my hand chooses and sketches on your face, and which by some chance that I do not seek to understand coincides exactly with your mouth which smiles beneath the one my hand is sketching on you."

Julio Cortazar

*because a hand is not just a spider, a hand can be many other things, such as a paintbrush

** probably to paint someone in fact means to create someone


hangin' around with a t-shirt that says: "She's a sensation..."*




this is the famous machine that with its vibration is preparing me to travel to the space.

now i can say: "i used to be a lawyer, but now i'm a cool russian astronaut" (?)

*thanks jesus because i always liked david bowie so much

*i wonder what kind of astronaut i am going to be... will it be possible to be a tragic one? poor martians if they get close to me



all i need is faith*

*no more
**no more
***no more
****no more
*****never more



would you mind arrow me, please?
--------> (?) <-------
* (?)= moi... so ironic and yellow, and probably -just probably- in a poetic mood


everything between them was so yellow
as yellow as a yellow fish
as yellow as a tree during the fall
yellower than the sun
sunner than all the yellow
sooner *




"walking down the street ------->

*i like very much the part when the singer starts to shout





to give someone exactly what that someone didn't even know that was looking for*

*there is no way to "pass around", sometimes an existence is modified for ever, for another one.
** ---------> this is an arrow. let's see how long it takes to appear somewhere else (?)





"written kisses don't reach their destination, rather they are drunk on the way by the ghosts "

-close your eyes and think of someone you physically admire-

*i suspect that surrealism is a bastard consequence of romanticism. that is why i like both of them so much



; because at the end it is so simple and so obvious ------> as sometimes is the truth.
but the point is that a hand in fact is an spider, but not a common one.
an spider of flesh and bones, and it could be possible to admit that this spider has an arm that we could consider as a very special bonus track.*
*so many things can be touched by two spiders like these... for instance a bass (?)
** am i getting mad? probably... oh!, how tragic, more tragic than Antigona.



"Every day things happen in the world that cannot be explained by any law of things we know. Every day they're mentioned and forgotten, and the same mystery that brought them takes them away, transforming their secret into oblivion. Such is the law by which things that can't be explained must be forgotten. The visible world goes on as usual in the broad daylight. Otherness watches us from the shadows. "

"I exempt you of being present in my idea of you. "
*another fernando, not a vidal olmos one, a pessoa one



sometimes it is very dangerous to jump from a flower to another
it could happen that a flower turns into a carnivorous plant -or something like that- and finally eats the little jumper
in other words: it could happen that the flower.................*

*sorry, i can't go on writing because i can't stop laughing, but i'll try to come back to this idea the next time, but now it is impossible because i'm laughing a lot, like a crazy clown or like Glenn Close in that movie with many spoty dogs (?)
**sobutsobutso metaphoric



because really, what i wanted the most is to have the certainty that my words come to destination.
getting that the message comes to the other side.
but for that, it would be necessary that my words were perfect arrows* thrown from my bow straight to the target -it seems to be a moving one-, to remain and be meditated there... probably forever.
no matter how i try, i always have the sensation that my words are not like that.
in fact they are so lost, disconnected and dispersed that actually they look like those little planes of paper that the children make and that always fall to the feet of that someone who throws them to the air
*i'm so tired of playing... playing with this bow an arrow



) and those were the days when she was thinking that in case of have been Palas Atenea, she had had a romance with Dioniso* (
*the goddess was so (?) and he was so lost so lost as a sinner
**extremely greek and tragic



Because the point is that the thread always is cut by the thinnest part though it almost never is a fair thing*

*where the hell is the poetic justice when i need it the most?





because it is exactly as my friend VJ has said: "The problem is that when you loose your faith in that someone, you loose your faith in the whole humanity itself"*




"without even knowing we are slaves of some dead economist"*

John Maynard Keynes

*come on, let's play that we have no money and we change your toys for mine


cri cri.... cri cri...
cri cri*
*soon is now, and now is too late.



who knows?

*this is me in these days, an interrogative mark itself or myself or whatever

**so tragic, so tragic, so tragic {really tragic?}

**#cri cri cri cri {}