

i'm back

*kcab -i mean-
** and happy as hell




------------> so soon



*i just wanted to see the boy happy



*let's dance



would you be so kind to build anything for me?
At least an small bridge to be crossed by pigeons...
my trust makes me think that i could be able to get inside a tunnel made by you.

... anyway
i have to say Thanks to the Poetic Justice
because if you were a surgeon, i would have to ask you to operate on my brain just to show you my confidence in you


and now that i have a horse inside my chest i found out that it was better when i had an ordinary donkey*

*bring my donkey back, please

** slow hearts are cooler than faster ones


"I am pessimistic - they say -
I already know it!
There will always be apprentices in the Earth!"*

*anyway he talked about the future



- and tell me, doctor: why are these pills so wonderful?

-these are amazing pills because they make your heart run faster and you can also see things clearer.

-oh, that sounds great. shall i be happier or smarter or more beautiful?

-probably not, but you'll find that the people are most interesting just for these marvellous pills.

- i would like to take some jazz pills. do you have any?

-no, but these ones taste like cherry.


I can tell you taste like the sky cause you look like rain*

*a candy of rain is so sweet

**and probably a candy of clouds must be like eating an sponge of sugar



and i wonder: why pineapple candies are wrapped in a blue paper?
it is absolutely arbitrary as every convention
because i have never seen a blue pineapple (?)
only candies of sky would have to be wrapped in blue papers... or even in light blue or grey ones -if it is a rainy day-
if i could take any decision, my pineapple candies would be wrapped in purple paper -just because i like it-
so easy like that.


sabato, morphine...two string bass... and "i bet you won't believe me, but i play bass too"

- he said

and in spite of the "sharks" and the "ocean" "in between" them

- she smiled



nobody could ever understand the things that she wakes up in me
i should be able to bring her a stick if she throws it
i should give her my leg, i should move my tail just to show my happiness to her
i'm just happy to be around her
i like to be her pet*

*and i love to play bass just for her



stolen picture*
like a piece of soul that has been taken
like those little treasures that we find seldom and that fill our lives
but not our pockets

*my adored Robert Smith would say: i've been looking so long at these pictures of you, that i almost believe that they are real

**-and he was so right, and i understand him so much... yeah, so real


a photographer that surprises a painter that has surprised his naked model before
-avigdor arikha under Henri Cartier Bresson's eye-

j'adore Henri Cartier Bresson*

*do i need to tell it?

**BTW: i like arikha pretty much too



we all build an idea about the others
it is impossible not to do it
so, it is very common to construct the other exactly as we want, specially when we are absolutely fascinated with that someone
the point is that one day, we wake up and we see the cruel reality (oh so tragic!, oh, why? why?) and we realise that we are in front of another mortal, a simple pile of flesh and bones with no charm at all
as i don't want you to waste your time building a wrong -but surely interesting- idea about me, just give me the chance to disappoint you by my own*
as Pessoa would say: "I exempt you of being present in my idea of you"
*i know how to do it, believe me... just trust in me (?)



after they came for him, it was a found a paper that he had left in his desk. It said:

"Hic meus locus pugnare est et hinc non me removebunt"*

*"this is my place of fight and nobody will move me from here"



apparently it was found a tunnel in the moon

not even the moon is safe (AY! -----> ironic and literal)

a newspaper expects to make me believe that this photo is the proof of the existence of the tunnel in the moon*

*but in fact, this pic seems more to me the surface of the cappuccino that i use to drink, than a tunnel in a satellite


: now she is focused in the little details
as this little spider*

*the spider has glasses

**glasses for classes



NOISELESS, patient spider,
I mark'd, where, on a little promontory, it stood, isolated;
Mark'd how, to explore the vacant, vast surrounding,
It launch'd forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself;
Ever unreeling them--ever tirelessly speeding them.

And you, O my Soul, where you stand,
Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space,
Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing,--seeking the spheres, to connect them;
Till the bridge you will need, be form'd--till the ductile anchor hold;
Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my Soul.

*so perfect, walt



* and i wonder: where could i buy one of this gatoluna?