

*because you're not right in the head,

and nor am i,

and this is why...



"dont invite morrissey to your birthday party", by Natalie Dee

* i should invite him anyway, in spite that he sings to me: i wish you an unhappy birthday... lala laaaaaaaa

**in fact i should like you to be here today



ok, i have two options:

1- i may wear a hat


2- i may stay in home till my hair grows again*

*i'm gonna kill my hairdresser.

**i look like a boy (this is so tragic and sad)



*i like so much chagall,because usually his carachters are flying


pills for dream*

*some dreams last for ever.

**i prefer my pillow for dreaming (?)



full stop, next line*




" if someone could choose in love, as if it were not a twilight that breaks your bones and let you stuck in the middle of the backyard."


maybe a tattoo would be a good idea*

*a little and hidden one



and if i were a writer, a real one, what face should i put in a photo?

*this is a friend of the house
** ' ve' been missing -somuch-


You Who Never Arrived

You who never arrived
in my arms, Beloved, who were lost
from the start,
I don't even know what songs
would please you. I have given up trying
to recognize you in the surging wave of
the next moment. All the immense
images in me -- the far-off, deeply-felt
landscape, cities, towers, and bridges, and
unsuspected turns in the path,
and those powerful lands that were once
pulsing with the life of the gods--
all rise within me to mean
you, who forever elude me.

You, Beloved, who are all
the gardens I have ever gazed at,
longing. An open window
in a country house-- , and you almost
stepped out, pensive, to meet me.
Streets that I chanced upon,--
you had just walked down them and vanished.
And sometimes, in a shop, the mirrors
were still dizzy with your presence and,
startled, gave back my too-sudden image.
Who knows? Perhaps the same
bird echoed through both of us
yesterday, separate, in the evening...

Rainer Maria Rilke



*things i write while i'm in class


*yes, where?




it would be so great not to erase everything that i write because i'm so shy...



and if you were my brother, i would be your lover anyway

*trakl's photo is just a distraction here


chinese shadows*

*is it necessary to say that the beautiful one with short hair is me? jejejeje





*chapter 7 read by cortázar


"I touch your mouth, I touch the edge of your mouth with my finger, I am drawing it as if it were something my hand was sketching, as if for the first time your mouth opened a little, and all I have to do is close my eyes to erase it and start all over again, every time I can make the mouth I want appear, the mouth which my hand chooses and sketches on your face, and which by some chance that I do not seek to understand coincides exactly with your mouth which smiles beneath the one my hand is sketching on you.
You look at me, from close up you look at me, closer and closer and then we play cyclops, we look closer and closer at one another and our eyes get larger, they come closer, they merge into one and the two cyplopses look at each other, blending as they breathe, our mouths touch and struggle in gentle warmth, biting each other with their lips, barely holding their tongues on their teeth, playing in corners where a heavy air comes and goes with an old perfume and a silence. Then my hands go to sink into your hair, to cherish slowly the depth of your hair while we kiss as if our mouths were filled with flowers or with fish, with lively movements and dark fragrance. And if we bite each other the pain is sweet, and if we smother each other in a brief and terrible sucking in together of our breaths, that momentary death is beautiful. And there is but one saliva and one flavor of ripe fruit, and I feel you tremble against me like a moon on the water."

*hopscotch, julio cortázar



*i wanna be your dog


Ilsa: "With the whole world crumbling, we pick this time to fall in love."
Rick: "Yeah, that's pretty bad timing."


*threeyears seemtobe alotoftime*


first time in history that u2 will play here and i'm not going*








and suddenly my heart cant tell you no*
no, no, no *



*back to the future (?)


*in the water where i center my emotion



ok, let's suppose that i bought something for you in a moment, when you were fat (but strong as a bull, we know that) and beautiful too... because you can be a beautiful fat.

so, let's suppose that i bought a special stuff, in a special moment, and it means a lot, it's a kind of souvenir or something like that, but the point is that this is a large-large, so large (i'm talking about the size, sure) thing that now you can seem like a small boy inside of it... because now you are not fat, but you are still beautiful, a beautiful thin, you know.

so, what do i do?

do i keep that large large so large thing that can be wear for a fat and strong spanish bull for sending it to you (and maybe you can wear it over your adored leather jacket) or do i throw it to the garbage, for being rescued by a dozen of homeless who can sleep covered with it?



* so if there's something you'd like to try. ask me i wont say no, how could i? ...



how many time can you spend hugging a box?*

*a lot.

**never said it was normal




Morrissey's Top 13 albums of all time are:

Jobriath - 'Jobriath'
Jeff Buckley - 'Grace'
The Smoking Popes - 'Born To Quit'
Damien Dempsey - 'Seize The Day'
Roxy Music - 'For Your Pleasure'
The Velvet Underground - 'The Velvet Underground & Nico'
The Velvet Underground - 'White Light/White Heat'
Sparks - 'Kimono My House'
Iggy & The Stooges - 'Raw Power'
Nico - 'Chelsea Girl'
Patti Smith - 'Horses'
Ramones - 'Ramones'
New York Dolls - 'New York Dolls'

*album n° 2....



bernard sumner (joy division, new order)
johnny marr (the smiths)
both of them are so adorable

what else?

oh, yes, besides there is a beautiful bird in the video

*this song was co written by neil tennant (pet shop boys), inspired by morrissey's public stereotyping as unloveable

**however i look is clear to see



still collecting things.

little things but with a deep deep meaning (at least for me)

few stuffs in life make me happier than this "collecting behaviour", specially when i find something special, but i wont say what it is*

*just consider nothing in particular



when you sleep
i will creep
into your thoughts
like a bad debt
that you cant pay
take the easy way
and give in
yeah, and let me in *

*i like specially the part when he says: "ah, you are asking for it*
**i love his sick mind (?)


*cut here and the cure have the same letters, robert smith wrote this song one of the many times that he said that "the cure" was over.

**i like the way that simon moves while he plays the bass


are you nervous?

*this is what i usually do



in the middle of the carnival*

* and i dont know why but in buenos aires, all that we have are melancholy carnivals

**we are not brazilian. we'll never be.

***the spirit of the tango chases this city


*looking for new play-mates



ok, i'm agree with the sentence: "you are what you write",
but the point is this: if i have no idea about what to write (like it happens to me in this moment) and i'm not even able to write a word, does it mean that i'm nothing?*
*so, molko was really so right? (?)



it is so but so easy to see that life with you here is better*

*something inside the cards i know is right. dont want to live somebody elses life



if i were brave enough i could write that nothing here (in this blog) has sense without you.

but we all know perfectly that i'm a complete coward who is not able of writing a thing like that.*

*thanks jesus that nobody is reading (this blog) right now



and now what?*
