
to get something that you never got,
you have to do something that you never did


"but if nostalgia means the powerful recollection of strong emotions -and a regret that such feelings are no longer present in our lives- then i plead guilty. .. and if we're talking about strong feelings that will never come again, i suppose it's possible to be nostalgic about remembered pain as well as remembered pleasure. and that opens up the field, doesn't it?..."

the sense of an ending, Julian Barnes


flying people


giving my life to a rainbow like you


there was nothing in the world 
that i ever wanted more
than to feel you deep in y heart

there was nothing in the world
that i ever wanted more
than to never feel the breaking apart


if you could ask me anything tonight, what would it be?

i wanna go


pushing my face in the memory of you again
but i never know if it's real
never know how i wanted to feel
never quite said what i wanted to say to you
never quite managed the words to explain to you
never quite knew how to make them believable
and now the time has gone
another time undone