*kcab -i mean-
** and happy as hell
** slow hearts are cooler than faster ones
- and tell me, doctor: why are these pills so wonderful?
-these are amazing pills because they make your heart run faster and you can also see things clearer.
-oh, that sounds great. shall i be happier or smarter or more beautiful?
-probably not, but you'll find that the people are most interesting just for these marvellous pills.
- i would like to take some jazz pills. do you have any?
-no, but these ones taste like cherry.
**and probably a candy of clouds must be like eating an sponge of sugar
sabato, morphine...two string bass... and "i bet you won't believe me, but i play bass too"
- he said
and in spite of the "sharks" and the "ocean" "in between" them
- she smiled
*my adored Robert Smith would say: i've been looking so long at these pictures of you, that i almost believe that they are real
**-and he was so right, and i understand him so much... yeah, so real
j'adore Henri Cartier Bresson*
*do i need to tell it?
**BTW: i like arikha pretty much too
apparently it was found a tunnel in the moon
not even the moon is safe (AY! -----> ironic and literal)
a newspaper expects to make me believe that this photo is the proof of the existence of the tunnel in the moon*