

Life is really weird.
You receive a news in a special day, it is like a birthday present.
Something unexpected that leaves you petrified, that changes your mood completely.
Something that makes you think that probably everything happens for a reason.
No matter how long and how fast you can run, there are things that you can't scape from.
In spite of you, you understand that you are stick to them for ever.


Those who believe in hell, will have to agree that nothing can be worst that a mind full of demons*.
Not even the worst torture over the body can be compared with the terrible games that our brain can play with us.
The hell is inside us, and we pay all our sins in the Earth just spending hours thinking and getting obsessed about all the tragic things that make us suffer. There is no way to run away from ourselves.

*I have two demons inside my head, who torture me. One of them have always a glass of whiskey in his hand. The other one wears a hat and a use a cane to dance tap and African rhythms in a Night Club.

** Today I'm so and so and so older. I'm finally eighty.



When the Spanish conquerors came to Mexico and met the tribe of the Maya, in correct Spanish they asked the native ones how it was called that place.
The Indians -who had never heard any word in Spanish- said: "Yucatan".
The Spanish conquerors -whit their typical intelligence- thought that Yucatan was the local name of that place, and named from this form to the peninsula - name that is kept up today-.
In fact, Yucatan, in Mayan language had another meaning: "I don't understand you"... this was what Indians were trying to say to Spanish conquerors: I don't know your language, I don't understand what you are asking to me".



This time things will be completely different.

It will be like a child playing to be a scientist, putting a rat in a labyrinth to see how it runs.

It will be like opening a clock to see what it has inside.

Like stimulating an animal to see how it answers (do you remember the Pavlov's dog?)

Everything will be so scientific, so technologic, so clean. The only ambition is the knowledge, if any creature gets hurt during the experiment is just a collateral damage.

Maybe, at the end of the day, the red eyes of the rat inspire some tenderness in the scientist. Maybe. (the color blindness is an illness that deserves a medical solution)



"I am a moth

who wants to share your light"



To have an addiction means not to be able to say "NO" to something.
It is like when you know that something is killing you, but you can't leave it.
It is like a drug that controls you. You are not able to go far away from it.
You need it and day by day you want it even more.
All the people around are telling you to stop, but what can they understand about how it makes you feel. They are not in your shoes, so they don't know why you feel the way you feel about it.
It has no logic. It is the door of your perception, and it is a subjective experience.
If I were a cigarette and for any weird reason of the Universe you were addicted to me, I just could say: "Smoke me, baby"


"Don't get any big ideas

They're not gonna happen"



You finally realise that you are forgetting when you can't even remember a face.
That face that you knew by heart. Every line, every gesture, the movement of a mouth, the eyelashes become blur in your memory.
One day, you wake up and you are not even able to draw that face in your head. That face could belong to anyone in the street. There is nothing special or different, is just another "face in the crowd".

Sometimes,the oblivion acquires the strange form of the happiness.



When the idea of God was inside the life of human beings, nobody thought that his/her body could be ugly or imperfect. Religious people (the most at the Middle Age) had the certainty that they had be created to image and similarity of God. Then if God was perfect the man (in soul and body) was perfect too.
The idea about an imperfect body was got at modern times by the man. It generated the born of all the pharmacology and surgery business. Everybody wants to have a perfect face and a perfect body, but this paradigm only could come to the light when the man took distance from God. It had to come a crazy man to say: "God is dead", "They have killed God" to convince everybody that they could have the image of themselves that they really wanted.
Without any doubt, Nietszche is the guilty of the narcissism, nowadays.



To break all the clocks and to stop counting the time by seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years.
Just to come back to the simple things when the time was measured by the seasons.
"I have lived fifty three summers". "We always fall in love in winter". "I moved there four springs ago".
The fall is here (It seems that I must be somewhere else)