

I have forgotten how to pray and probably God wouldn't be happy to listen someone like me trying to talk to him.
Anyway, I lighted this candle for you, between some of my favourites things... to make your wish comes true.**

*It keeps burning, kitten.
**Wish you the best.


If I do a logic analysis (my favourite, of course) I can say that I only use the 20% of my brain during the day.
During all that day, I spend the 80% of it thinking (I can think fool things the most of the time, but it is another way of thinking).
Of all those things that I think and that have any connection with this blog, I only dare to publish a 10 or 15 % of them.
It means that exists a 90 or 85% of ideas that keep unpublished.*

*I should probably have to start another blog to publish all those things unsaid, and start another one to publish all the things that I don't dare to publish in the second one, and start another blog to...



Between a butterfly and a firefly, who is the winner?

*stupid questions are my favourite ones



*no explanations required



To miss things that never happened in a well known place, with someone unknown *

*virtual insanity must be something like that



" Still I can't escape the ghost of you"


"Yeah, everybody leaves
If they get the chance"
*and this is my chance



Everybody celebrates what they can

*watch more tv



Puede alguien decirme? Me voy a comer tu dolor!
Y repetirme - voy a salvarte esta noche!

Que el infierno está encantador
este infierno está embriagador!
Esta noche está encantador!
tu infierno está encantador, esta noche!



Where ya going with that mask I found? *

*English is the mask that I found to say some things (another things will never be said, not even in English... never) that I don´t dare to say in my language. When I write in English, it is like if it is not totally me. Words sound different, they don't compromise me at all. If I said all this in Spanish I would probably feel naked. I wouldn't be able to breathe. That is why I use this mask, to hide myself... from me



Je suis la plaie et le couteau!
Charles Baudelaire

* "I must justify what hurts me. I am the poet." Jorge Luis Borges



And she was a spot of ink in the finger.
That ink that comes from a fountain pen while you are writing.
That ink that is so blue as the blue blood that runs through the veins.
Dirty blood without oxygen, dirty writing, dirty ideas in the mind (a mind without oxygen).
She was blue ink, so washable. You only need water to get rid of her. You don't need to make any extra effort.
She disappears of your fingers, without leaving any trace.*
*so but so but so literal



The writer did that job because just couldn't do anything else. To stop writing was impossible.
It was not a thing about desire, it was a duty, a painful duty.
Writing was the only way to clean the soul of so many demons.
"To do something because you have to, so simple and terrible like that", used to the writer say.
But what it was hard to understand was the reason why the reader was there. He could choose something that the writer couldn´t. He could close his eyes or simply go and not reading anymore. But he didn't do that.
The writer knew that not even getting inside the reader's mind (an impossible thing, by the way) could be able to understand the reader's deepest thoughts.



designed in Italy
model: 1982
few kilometers of use
airbags included
besides, apparently he writes.

*I swear that I can't stop laughing.
**I'm a cynic, I have no doubts at all



Always the best things are the unspoken ones.

*owner of a simple, but not less tragic silence.



A whirlpool mixes
the kisses and the absence.
Pagan images
will undress in dreams.



"The sadness does not turn someone intelligent. In the sadness we are lost. That is why the power needs that the subjects be sad. The distress has never been a game of culture, of intelligence or of vivacity. When you have a sad affection, it is that a body acts on yours, a soul acts on yours in such conditions and under a relation that is not convenient with yours. Since then nothing in the sadness can induce to you to form the common notion, it means, the idea of something common between two bodies and two souls "

Gilles Deleuze

One day he opened the window of his appartment in Paris, and jumped. He just left himself go.



I'm not the problem, but it seems that the reality has serious troubles with me and try to see me upside down.


I ........ ahead

I'm sure I ...... you there

You don't need me to .......... you now

that nothing can ...........

*absolutely nothing



"The public hospitals, which as institution originates in the middle age, were called in France Hôtels-Dieu. They were places where roof and assistance were given in the God's name to the patients or to the moribund ones.
But be careful with idealizing this. During the pest, el Hôtel-Dieu of Paris was so full of people that "three persons were occupying every bed: a patient, a dying person and another one dead"."
John Berger



That night she dreamt that was dreaming that was dreaming that was dreaming that was dreaming that ...
In one of these multiple dreams she woke up and saw him sitting at the edge of her bed.
She felt confused with his presence and then she asked: "Inside of which of my dreams are you?"
He smiled and answered: "It is not relevant. I'm not inside one of your dreams, I live inside your head. I'm finally that spot of oil that spreads without limits. If you wanna get me out of your head, you'll have to blow up your mind."*
*he was not just right.
**he was more than right.


I do not need a reader. I need a chess mate.



"The child always breaks his toys"*

*In this specific case, the word "child" can be replaced by the word "cat"

**this is a random picture. I have no responsability for it.



"I will be able to go to the hell, but a God like this will never have my respect."



He couldn't stop looking at the girl. He had lost his memory after having a car crash and he couldn't remember anything about his past. He didn't even know his name or who he was.
In spite of this, the only important thing was that he couldn't take his eyes out of the girl. He felt that he knew her from before, he was sure that they had been lovers.
Or probably they were two souls who had been together in a past life.*
*he was wrong.



-You are a present for me. I don't believe that I have done anything good to deserve you, he said to her.*

- ...

*he was right.



We are working for you, to make this blog better.
Don't desperate. It will be ready as soon as possible*

* you would have to wait sitting for not getting tired...



To be like a spot of oil in a shirt, that every time spreads more. It is impossible to remove it.
An alone drop that penetrates even the deepest thing and stays there for ever, even touching your body. In contact with your skin.
You would have to consider that the only way of getting rid of the spot is throwing the shirt to the trash can.*
*(so so so so metaphoric)


"I am all the days

that you choose to ignore"*

*when you are ...